Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April Fool’s Day

It’s been a long, long winter.  It’s the first time that it’s ever tested my love of winter and snow.  I really needed the  several week break from new snow and a lot of melt-off, which was fortunate since I woke up to 9 inches of fresh, wet snow on April Fool’s Day.  It was in the forecast, so it was not a surprise.  It also helps that even thought it was heavy wet snow that was hard to shovel, it was also beautiful!!!

The first picture was from my phone.  One of the cats was looking out the window and the light was lovely just in time to take picture. 

Right after taking this picture, I bundled up and went to explore my yard and the block.  

I also have two other pictures from my neighborhood.  These are taken in mid-March.  

Someone "official" must have spotted the cross walk because it's been turned back to "normal".  While it was like this it made me laugh everytime I saw it. 

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