Tuesday, February 11, 2020

After Tidying

This is what it looks like in her house after things are tidied up and put away.

I am in a house with one cat and lots of dogs, plus doggy visitors.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Texas Sunset

Here is yesterday’s sunset in Lexington TX. I wish I had my good camera here. This was taken with my camera phone.

Friday, February 7, 2020


I didn’t know that chairs came in the form of a cat. Either that or I just see cats in everything that I see.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Greetings From Lost Things Trying To Be Found

I just returned from a walk on a sunny, 45 degree day, after a January which set a record for the number of overcast days with no sun.

I saw lost things looking to be found near the river. I cropped the top picture.

From one of the bridges over the river, I saw several ducks swimming in the river. They were too far away to get a picture with the camera phone. I liked the image of the ice breaking off and floating away.

When I returned home from the walk, I opened most of the windows in the house to let the fresh ari in. As I finish this post, I think it's time to close most of the windows again.