Whimsy = playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor (or decorated art car).
This made me smile yesterday.
I find enjoyment in photographing things I notice around me. Some photos are from a camera phone. Some are from a point and shoot with a 60x zoom. Some photos are edited. Some are not.
Whimsy = playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor (or decorated art car).
This made me smile yesterday.
We took a short walk today over the Stone Arch Bridge. It would have been even better if the person was wearing a Santa Hat.
Yesterday, it was spilling over in the form of a puddle in two different places. As of today, they have closed a section of River Road. While it’s still not that bad, it makes sense that they closed the road. When you look at the river itself, it’s a lot of water and it’s moving fast.
After the 04/01 storm, we have had a run of snow-free weather such that almost all of it has melted. This past week, we had temperatures hit the 70s and even 80s. Today, we are getting snow, although it’s hard for it to do much accumulating.
It’s been a long, long winter. It’s the first time that it’s ever tested my love of winter and snow. I really needed the several week break from new snow and a lot of melt-off, which was fortunate since I woke up to 9 inches of fresh, wet snow on April Fool’s Day. It was in the forecast, so it was not a surprise. It also helps that even thought it was heavy wet snow that was hard to shovel, it was also beautiful!!!
The first picture was from my phone. One of the cats was looking out the window and the light was lovely just in time to take picture.
I adore the wallpaper in the powder room at the Riverview Theater. If they ever make the bathroom bigger or replace the wallpaper I will be sad.
Given the winter that is wrapping up, it’s especially important to note what date the snow occurred, since over 80 inches have fallen this winter.
This was a magical snow, that was preceded by sleet and a big change in temperature. I don’t recall the specifics, but it caused a snow that both coated and piled up in a way I don’t see very often.